In today’s very competitive job market, employers must sell themselves to prospective applicants. This is definitely an employee market, with many folks getting multiple offers for their talents and services. Many Millennials and Generation Xers are not motivated explicitly by money. They are looking for non-compensation perks when they evaluate job offers. Many job searchers are adopting the “Culture eats strategy for lunch mentality.” This mantra implies that culture is one of the most important factors when considering job offers.
Here are three important things that you should consider when evaluating employers:
Communication: Not all modes of employer communication is equal! According to an article by McKinsey consultants; “One-on-one meetings between staff and leaders are hugely motivational,” explained an HR director from a mining and basic-materials company—“they make people feel valued during these difficult times.” Mass emails and generic blasts on the company intranet from H.R. and the executive team are ineffective ways to get people to buy into the organizational culture. This may be the most efficient way to communicate with employees, but a more customized approach will improve engagement.
Leadership Opportunities: Not everyone is looking for the next promotional opportunity right away. Sometimes employees are looking for intermediate steps towards leadership. According to a McKinsey Consulting article.” A chance to lead projects is a motivator that only half of the companies in our survey use frequently, although this is a particularly powerful way of inspiring employees to make a strong contribution at a challenging time. Such opportunities also develop their leadership capabilities, with long-term benefits for the organization.” This helps make people feel like they are part of something bigger and that they have a stake in the future of the company. Giving high potential employees the opportunity to lead projects is a great entry point into leadership.
Autonomy: Many employees value flexibility and control over their workload. Autonomy can come in many forms. For example, one way could be to give employees flexibility over their schedules. Today’s employees do not like to be micromanaged. They are interested in having a say in setting goals and agendas. Employers can increase employee engagement by delegating more authority and control to employees.