Most people forget how powerful of a tool LinkedIn can be when properly utilized. Unfortunately, many people are passive participants when it comes to their LinkedIn profile. It is best to be proactive when it comes to managing your LinkedIn profile. It should not require an active job search for you to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date.
In order to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is set up for success, it’s critical to conduct your own internal audit. There are a few key questions that you can ask yourself to make sure that your LinkedIn profile jumps off the page.
· Profile Picture – Does your LinkedIn picture look like a FB meme? I would be the first to tell you to avoid the glamour photos of the 80’s and 90’s, but there is something to be said for a high-quality picture. It is imperative to take a professional-quality photo and update your profile if needed.
· Elevator Pitch- Does your LinkedIn headline look like a job title that nobody really understands anyway? Be sure to maximize the 120-character space for anything your digital elevator pitch to explain your value to separate you from the crowd. It’s critical that your job titles and associated descriptions are written in layperson speak. Be careful to avoid industry-specific or internal company jargon, that outsiders won’t understand.
· Accomplishments – Does your LinkedIn profile show that you play well in the sandbox? Be prepared to request recommendations and endorsements from professional associates. It is a best practice to ask both former and current colleagues to endorse your strongest skill sets. If you have received awards and recognition in community groups or at work be sure to list to list them.
· Grammar- Does your LinkedIn profile pass a 5th-grade reading exam? All aspects of your profile should be written in the first person and be typo-free. It’s a good idea to run everything through a word document with spell check, before moving over to your profile.